Frequently Asked Questions

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Voor orders in Nederland en België geldt:
Standaard levering: Binnen 8 werkdagen.
Express levering: Na orderbevestiging, levering 5-6 werkdagen (50% toeslag op totale kosten).
Super Express levering: Na orderbevestiging, levering 3-4 werkdagen (100% toeslag op totale kosten).
Franco levering vanaf netto €150,-, orderkosten €15,- onder het eerder genoemde franco order bedrag.

Voor orders in Nederland en België geldt:
Standaard levering: Binnen 20 werkdagen na de bevestiging van de order.

Our premium transfers can be ordered from 10 pieces.
The woven badges can be ordered from 100 pieces and the silicone badges from 250 pieces.

We are a B2B company and only do business with companies, retailers, associations and organisations. We unfortunately do not sell to private buyers.

It is possible to receive our products throughout Europe, however, the delivery time may vary slightly.

Pantone Matching System (PMS) is the colour system most commonly used by the graphics and printing industry because of its bright colours.

Yes, colour matching is possible. Colours can be matched to a Pantone reference number or a sample provided by you.

Tuurlijk, vraag uw gratis samples hier aan.

Bekijk onze instructie video’s op ons Youtube kanaal.

Reliable, innovative and durable, with unmatched quality.

Do you have a question about the options, would like advice on the most suitable transfer, or want to know more about how to use it.